These Weird Laws Will Amaze You, Make You Laugh Hard

These Weird Laws Will Amaze You, Make You Laugh Hard 5
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Unjust Vexation

Like seriously? If we live in Philippines and you vex me unjustly, I can sue you for crime. Basically, you can become a criminal just for vexing someone unjustly. Whatever clause in that “UNJUST” better be a thick one.

Divorce is Illegal

Philippines and Vatican have something is common, yeah, you got it. Its illegal to divorce in Philippines and Vatican. I had to go dig deeper on this weird law. Behold, I found that that some household in Philippines are tired of their marriage but they had to hang on to it. I discovered that they can only annul their marriage; The process which is very expensive and slower than a Turtle.

Dress with missing Undies is illegal

Here we go; In Thailand, you will be charged for leaving your house without an underwear. A punishable offence that attracts the fine of $600.

Do not chew Gum

Some countries cant have 1 minutes without an offender of this law. In Singapore, it is totally illegal to chew gum since 1992. I mean since that long, they stopped chewing gum. And you know what? They don’t die.

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Exam Malpractice is a Jail term

In Bangladesh, once you are 15 years old, you can no longer cheat in an exam or risk going to jail. Parents wont bother sending a lil dumb kid to school for fear of Jail term. I think in this country, a dumb at 15 is a dumb forever.

And the others

You can legally marry a dead person in France. It is illegal to sing loudly in Honolulu, Hawaii after sunset. It is illegal to be overweight in Japan. Lastly, its illegal to dry female and male clothes on the same washing line, a law in Minnesota, USA.

In conclusion, United States of America have too many laws to make a joke. I am not saying the laws are good or bad, but on a very boring day, these weird laws could make a day.

About the author


The real big brother, Boda Wale, I share things I hear, see, know, or imagine. Web/App developer at EKIAA.COM. An award winning bathroom dancer, Popsy Temileyi Zoe (by God's grace).


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