Whatsapp privacy settings

Take Charge of your Total Privacy on WhatsApp Now

Whatsapp Privacy is one of the edge it has over other messaging apps. However, the only privacy that comes by default is encryption and status updates (which is only visible to contacts). Hence, the need to enlighten you about setting up and understanding your privacy on Whatsapp.

Whatsapp privacy settings

WhatsApp Privacy

Taking control over your privacy is something to hail whatsapp owners for. Albeit, you can not control your ONLINE/OFFLINE status; which is one thing I love Blackberry Messenger for.

However, we can not take away some good privacy control option available on Whatsapp. The privacy options are listed below;

  1. Last seen
  2. Profile Photo
  3. About
  4. Status Updates
  5. Read Receipts
  6. Blocking

By defaults, WhatsApp made all the above Public except for Status updates for all contacts.

Understanding WhatsApp Privacy

whatsapp privacy last seen

1. Last Seen

By defaults, your last seen is set to EVERYONE. Meaning that anybody with your phone number will know when last you were online. It is important to note that if you disable your last seen, you also can not see anybody’s last seen.

I personally hate to have my last seen up. You can be very indifferent about this, if your contacts are very few. I have more than 1,000 contacts in my phone book; there is no way on earth I will be able to respond to all chat all the time. Despite working full time online, I run 2 smart phones with 3 WhatsApp accounts. I also have to run websites and other stuffs on my Table/PC. In a nutshell, my last seen is always set to NOBODY.

Whatsapp privacy profile photo

2. Profile Photo

Just like the last seen, profile photo is default to everyone in whatsapp privacy setting. So somebody who just copied my number online or on a complimentary card can see my picture. Oh no, I don’t want that. Unless the number is 100% advertising something on the profile picture. Therefore, my settings for my profile photo is always set to “MY CONTACTS”.

Whatsapp privacy profile photo

3. About

About is brief status where the default is “Hey there! I am using WhatsApp.“. I set its privacy to whatever I set my profile picture to. Although, the content you put here will determine the privacy setting you will apply to it.

Whatsapp privacy status updates

4. Status Updates

You definitely know WhatsApp status updates unless you are stuck in an old android device or using a blackberry. Meanwhile, learn how to use full whatsapp on BlackBerry here. Back to the matter, I don’t like my village people know what I am up to, so I might want to exclude them. I simply set this option to “My contacts except…” then i chose those people that I don’t want to see my status. If you want to hide yourself from other people’s status views, read Read receipts below.

Whatsapp privacy read receipt

5. Read Receipts

Just as the the privacy settings portrayed, it either show or hide the fact that you have read a particular message. Here is the logic; you hid your last seen, yet my last message to you shows that you have read it, it doesn’t rhyme. Somebody said, not necessary, they will not open the message. Oh well, they are not like me. I have accidentally open a chat, and sometimes I need an info from a chat I am not ready to reply. As for me and myself, I always UNTICK read receipts. I reply when I reply, that is the idea.

Its most noteworthy to understand that your Read Receipts goes a longer way than just your message. You might need to consider its other function before deciding to uncheck it. You will not be shown on people’s status views, likewise, you will not be able to see anybody that view your status updates. Lets call it boomerang; what you give is what you get.

6. Blocking

I put blocking here as the last option. I think any social application have the option to block. Even the old 2go application have the option to kick somebody out your reach.

So, there is nerdy fellow disturbing your life or somebody you can not delete their number but don’t want to chat with; KICK THEM OUT. That’s why the blocking function is there.


On the last note, WhatsApp still have bad review because of ONLINE status. I am also part of those that fumes at that. There should be a plain option to disable my ONLINE status. See BlackBerry Messenger; you don’t know if I am online or not, you simply check if your message delivers or not.

In conclusion, privacy is not for fun. In fact, inadequate control over privacy put us at great risk of technology hazard. Imagine a kidnapper seeing your last seen or status update, especially those with “breakfast on bed”, #laughs.

Something is missing here? let me know in the comment section. I definitely want to know too. See you.

Written by @realBodaWale

The real big brother, Boda Wale, I share things I hear, see, know, or imagine. Web/App developer at EKIAA.COM. An award winning bathroom dancer, Popsy Temileyi Zoe (by God's grace).

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