WhatsApp Status Download

WhatsApp Status Download: Save Pictures and Videos

“WhatsApp Status Download” is the ability to save or copy the status updates of your contacts to your device. See More from Tech Section here.

WhatsApp Status Download

WhatsApp has been experiencing drastic development since Facebook Inc. take charge of its ownership. It is arguably the biggest and most popular messaging app in the world.

WhatsApp’s Status, which is totally inspired from Snapchat’s Stories, was announced earlier this year (April, 2017) by the company.  The feature lets users upload photos and videos for their contacts to see, instead of a simple text-based status message. However, WhatsApp does not provide a way to save picture/video in status. But you can follow the steps below to achieve what i refer to as “WhatsApp status download”.

Although there are few applications out there that can achieve WhatsApp status download. I personally prefer to do such task manually. The more applications you install, the lesser the speed of your device. Unless an application is quite necessary, I will not put it on my device.

Steps to WhatsApp Status Download

Its noteworthy to understand that this trick works for all Android device. Also, this can not work on iOS due to the limit in accessing storage on iOS.

Step 1: view

Open your WhatsApp statuses. Make sure it has load for you to be able to view the image or video. The video or Image will temporarily save to as a cache to your device to allow you view them. Albeit, the status updates are automatically removed once the status expires – maximum of 24 hours.

Step 2: Go to Storage

Navigate to your device storage also known as FILE MANAGER. Navigate to;

File Manager >> WhatsApp > Media [enable SHOW HIDDEN FILES]

To enable hidden files, simply press or tab the MENU/OPTION of your device and tap show hidden files and then continue…

>> .Statuses [this folder contain all the status updates of your clients that are active on your device]

Step 3: Copy or Move

You can select all and then copy or move them to any folder of your choice. I will recommend copying instead of moving to save data. Moving the files away from the folder will cause WhatsApp to re-download them.


In conclusion, the steps might look voluminous in explanation, it takes only less than 1 minute to achieve WhatsApp status download manually. However, there are existing applications that can handle this task. These applications include “Whatsapp Story Saver”, “Story saver for WhatsApp”, “Save & Repost – Whatsapp Story”, etc. The choice is totally yours.

Know of a better method without causing device lagging? Kindly hit the comment section to share it. Thank you for dropping by.

Written by @realBodaWale

The real big brother, Boda Wale, I share things I hear, see, know, or imagine. Web/App developer at EKIAA.COM. An award winning bathroom dancer, Popsy Temileyi Zoe (by God's grace).

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