WhatsApp YouTube Videos

WhatsApp YouTube Videos and Voice note Locking

WhatsApp is, arguably, the most popular instant messanger with over Two Billions users in whole world. Its latest feature include what I call “WhatsApp Youtube Videos” and Voicenote locking.

WhatsApp YouTube Videos

Whats new in WhatsApp update?

WhatsApp developers are known to always keep working on improvements. This time around the iOS developing team are a step ahead as they have features not available to android. However, its important to note that there are features on android that’s not available on iOS. One of this feature is the new whatsapp’s emojis on android.

WhatsApp YouTube Videos

If you are using WhatsApp to share videos or love watching videos, you will really love this. Prior to this time, you will have to download a video from YouTube using your data and then upload to a contact or group using your data again. That has become something of the pass as the stress and data have become easier.

‘WhatsApp YouTube Videos’ update allows any user to share a YouTube video link in a WhatsApp chat or group and plays right in WhatsApp. Therefore, you do not need to download and upload, neither to the recipient need to download. Just share the link and start watching the video. This is actually refer to as video embed. So far so goo, I haven’t seen any instant messenger with this function.

Its important to note that this is not yet available publicly on Android but only on iOS. It might be available to WhatsApp better tester.

WhatsApp Voicenote locking

As the sub heading implies, locking the voice note recording. Until now, to send a voice note on WhatsApp, you need to hold on the voice record button and release when you are done recording. This latest update on iOS now include the option to hold on the record button and slide it up to lock it there. Thus, it enables user to record longer voice messages without holding on the record button. This is awesome, init?

When is this update coming to WhatsApp

There is no set date for android release of this update. But its worth looking out for. Its most likely going to be part of the next update on android. Therefore, the next update you see should be download as fast as eager.

Written by @realBodaWale

The real big brother, Boda Wale, I share things I hear, see, know, or imagine. Web/App developer at EKIAA.COM. An award winning bathroom dancer, Popsy Temileyi Zoe (by God's grace).

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