Becoming A Remarkable Person in 2018 1

Becoming A Remarkable Person in 2018

Some people work really hard to develop themselves into better people. Another New Year is here and we all make New Year resolutions. Our resolutions likely include a goal to become a better person.

remarkable person

It is cool to be a remarkable person. People look up to you, love and respect you. You are a person of influence anywhere you go. Definitely, you want to be a remarkable person, right?

If you want to be a remarkable person in 2018, then you have to know how. In this post, I will tell you how to really work on yourself to be a remarkable person in 2018.
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Acknowledge and accept your weaknesses

Yes, you are not perfect. Yes, you can’t be perfect. No one is actually perfect. You have to first of all accept this fact, no matter how you feel about it. So identify and know your weaknesses. What are your flaws? Do you suck at time management, relationships, leadership, money management, or any other thing? What do you actually suck at? Embrace your shortcomings. Remember you’re human. To be a remarkable person, you have to know and accept your strengths and weaknesses. This is your true self. In order to be really remarkable, you just have to be your true self. Be real with people. Allow people to accept and love you for who you really are.

Challenge yourself

If you have identified your weakness or flaws, you need to challenge yourself to do something about them, especially if they can ruin your life. Work on your weaknesses or flaws if you can. Fight your insecurities. Learn how to be better at the things you suck at. Break bad habits. Cultivate healthy eating, drinking and living habits. Create goals and pursue them. Don’t give room for excuses. Follow the advice of Eleanor Roosevelt: “Do one thing every day that scares you.” This will turn you into a person people admire.

Be honest with everyone as much as you

For people to consider you as a remarkable person worthy of their respect, you have to earn their trust. You do this by being honest. Be a person of integrity. It would be easier for people to love you and trust you.

Be willing to make selfless sacrifices

Be ready to make some selfless sacrifices. Volunteer your service. Give out what you can give. In fact, one of the major secrets of being a remarkable person is your ability to give. By giving, I’m not just referring to giving more. No. You can give your time, attention, service, energy, advice, and so on. Give something, whether material or immaterial. This creates a good impression of you on the mind of people. People will see you as a person who is caring, friendly and lovely. They see you as a remarkable person. However, be careful about the selfless sacrifices you make. Don’t make any sacrifice that will ruin you now or in the future.

No matter who you are, just follow these simple tips and you will become a remarkable person in 2018. Thank me later![/read]

Written by @realBodaWale

The real big brother, Boda Wale, I share things I hear, see, know, or imagine. Web/App developer at EKIAA.COM. An award winning bathroom dancer, Popsy Temileyi Zoe (by God's grace).

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