Everyone has a way of easily proclaiming a new year’s resolution. However, do you have a way of sticking to it? If not, then this article might just guide you through.
First, See It as a Goal
Transform your new year’s resolution into a goal you want to achieve for that year. Lay down your plans for each month. Ensure these goals are measurable, achievable and realistic. If your resolution is not realistic, you don’t have to go any further. Change it to something realistic and achievable. If you keep chasing facades, you may never get to stick to your new year’s resolution. So, see your resolution as a goal and put it on the top of your priority list.
Write It Down Everywhere For Ease of Reference
Taking notes is essential. When you take down notes of your plans or even idea, you tend to remember these plans once you see them again. Therefore, since you clearly have other aspects of your life you may need to focus on, you would have to write your resolution on different platforms. This will help you not to forget about it. Design an image with your resolution written on it.Save the image as your home-screen on your desktop. You could also write it down on a large paper and paste it on your room wall. Another very good approach is to write it down in your diary, workbook (a section at the forefront), or journal.
Hang Out With People with Similar Goals
The best way to get people to inspire you is to hang out with them, follow their social media accounts and talk to them heart to heart. This is because as soon as you see them achieve part of your goals, you’ll be motivated to make a move with yours. Also, once you tell them about your resolution, they’ll keep reminding you or asking you how far you’ve gone with it. This way, you’ll have it in mind that you owe someone somewhere an answer by making a move. Even while you have no other option but to admit that you haven’t done anything, you would still have to work towards starting something. Also, you can see these people as potential competitors. Once you have that in mind, you’re going to work hard, not even to beat them, but to stick to your new year’s resolution.
Your Resolution And Nothing Else!
When a person loves a particular thing, profession, course, item or another person, there would be nothing else on the mind of that person. This is applicable to your new year’s resolution. Once you need to change something or start doing something in the New Year, you must fall in love with that thing. It must be your motto and your stronghold. You need to see it as the only pillar that will improve your character, profession, financial life, emotional, medical, spiritual, and any other aspect of your life that your resolution is involved in.
Easier said than done. Thats usually the case
I am not here to rant. But looking at this piece, I am like is the author finding it so easy to write or practice? Anyways, this minute I am all out to sticking to my goals, and the very next minute, I already betrayed myself.
Hi admin, can we discuss a collaboration deal? please reply via my email.
Check your email pleasant Ranter
I pray
Thanks. Nicely put!
Very helpful!
That was a helpful post… thanks!!!
Great post, my friend keep up the good work.
Good one, definitely agree with your points!
Thank you very much! It is very useful for me.
Best wishes!
Nice post; you need to put in the effort.
As they say, sometimes you learn more from failures than you do from success!
I wish I knew these bullet points in the past.
Thanks for speaking out really helpful words! Good sharing!
Found this really helpful.. answered a lot of my questions thank you
I’m guilty of asking the wrong questions.
I’m also guilty of getting discouraged really quickly, and giving up.
That is right man.
Amazing how many people don’t look at dates.
I ask myself that daily now.
Looks like we can surely use some of those infos in these days, thanks!
Great tips! It has chock-a-block of useful stuffs
All these tips work!!
Great post! BTW how much time did you take to compile all this?
Time isnt the deal, being of help is the catalyst
I just wanna say I love you for this post.
Thank you
Can be applied to lots of things.
Well I’ll give it a try I guess.
Cool tips. Appreciate the share.
lmao I knew of this but never tried.
This post is just like a gift to me. Thanks
Thank you for this method! I’ll try it out
Definitely will try!
Hmmm this looks promising.
Going to make a case study on this. Lol
totally awesome that’s really cool and I’m sure tons of you guys out there can implore this.
Thanks for helping out.
Thank you for this write-up.
Great post. I will put your advice into practice thanks
That’s really basic advice, but very useful. Basic is always important thanks.
Greatly appreciate the information you provided. Thanks!!